Break the Conflict Cycle through Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples




Bring Back Your Emotional Connection.

Developed in the 1980’s by Dr. Sue Johnson, PhD, EFT is a short term, structured approach to couples therapy based on attachment science. Over 30 years of research reveals that EFT is an effective and sustainable approach to Couples work.

Emotionally Focused Therapy:

  • Focuses on identifying and shifting the conflict cycle, changing partners’ patterns (Having the same argument over and over again? EFT helps break this cycle.)

  • Is collaborative and respectful to couples (No one should feel ganged up on!)

  • Is non-Pathologizing and validating (Both partners are seen as equals-the things we do are seen as developing over time as part of our experience.)

  • Is Trauma-Informed (Trauma often changes the way we are “wired” and the way we receive input and information.)

  • Is Attachment-Based (We learn our attachment style early in life. This is reflected in our adult relationships.)

How Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Works

Session 1: 60-90 minutes, with both partners present.

We spend this time getting to know you as a couple.  We'll review your relationship history, what brought you to couples therapy, how you've handled challenges in the past and establish goals for therapy.  We will do a brief intervention to examine your conflict style and build more effective communication. 

Session 2: Individual Interviews, 45 minutes each.

We’ll meet individually with each partner.  We'll discuss your family history, how conflicts were handled in your family of origin. We will make a plan for the goals and concerns to address in couples counseling.

Session 3: Feedback session, 60-90 minutes with both partners present.

Review of information gathered in the first two couples counseling sessions, including strengths and needs in the relationship.  Treatment planning and examining interventions that will be beneficial to your relationship.  If time allows, we will continue with specific communication skills and conflict management techniques.

Session 4 and beyond: 60-90 minutes (You choose the session length. Of course, longer sessions allow for more comprehensive work, and therapy completes more efficiently.)

This is where the work gets deeper.  We will examine why each of you communicate the way you do and how to improve your connection through specific Emotionally Focused therapy interventions.  These interventions are tailored to your relationship struggles.

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy can help

  • Break the conflict cycle (ie. stop having the same argument)

  • Help partners feel seen and heard

  • Improve communication

  • Create a secure bond between partners

Reignite the fire in your relationship

Let us help you! Schedule a free consultation today.